As you continue advancing in your French studies, FluentU keeps track of all the grammar and vocabulary that you’ve been learning. As you’re upgrading your French vocabulary to help you speak about technology, you may as well upgrade your technology to help you speak French! This is the name for the commercial “at” symbol: @. (Carole takes a lot of selfies. (The search engine has replaced the encyclopedia.). ), Je m’abonne au blog de Michel. L’application dictionnaire me facilite la vie. Think of it as a Frenchified version of the anglicism. Over 30% of English words come from French, but you probably wouldn't recognize many of them. It’s worth noting that un hashtag is much more commonly used than mot-dièse (hashtag). I hope your memory’s not full! Where appropriate, the English translation of the term is preceded by an indication of the gender of the word, either female (f) or male (m). Please check your email for further instructions. 50+ French Technology Vocab Words to Navigate Life in the 21st Century Basic French Technology Vocabulary. ), J’ai signalé le contenu offensant du site. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. As an interesting note, this guide is from 2017 and is an update of the prior guide from… 2009! Regardless of which camp you’re in, technology is here to stay. (I reported the site’s offensive content. ), Michel a publié un article intéressant sur son blog. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, FluentU New Year Sale: 40% off new annual plan subscriptions, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240), Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book. ), Mon fil d’actualité contient des articles intéressants. The following phrases will be useful no matter what kind of shopping you plan on doing. (My newsfeed contains interesting articles. By now, you should have learned the first 100 must learn French words. (My external hard drive has a lot of space.). FrenchPod101 have also created this great French colors vocabulary lesson which shows you how to say 17 colors with pictures. à la carte. The words in this lesson are also available in a print-friendly PDF. All Rights Reserved. (The tree was struck by lightning.) ), In other contexts, enregistrer can also mean “to record.”, J’enregistre le fichier tout de suite. can take anywhere. But hey, in many cases it makes life—French-learning life included—simpler. Il y a trop de fichiers sur mon bureau. What they do is add a suffix to the end of regular French words. Even the l’Académie française (The French Academy, a national institution which is the authority on things related to the French language) has been forced to accept the fact that haute technologie (high technology) isn’t going away anytime soon. Chère (f), cher (m) … La photo de Caroline a reçu beaucoup de likes. Since this video content is stuff that native French speakers actually watch on the regular, you’ll get the opportunity to learn real French—the way it’s spoken in modern life. is used as an abbreviation for (numéro de) téléphone (telephone [number]). […] ), Je me connecte sur Facebook tous les jours. The Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication even puts out the official French tech terms glossary to make sure that the official French terms are used (Get the 488 pages long PDF document here). Gone are the days where we passively consume information on websites. Piratage (m) — (Illegal) downloading or hacking. ), J’ai effectué une mise à jour de logiciel sur mon ordinateur. ), Toutes les informations sont dans ce fichier. ), J’ai mis à jour mon profil. It's important, then, to learn some of the most common words for furniture, house, and home in French. It’s not uncommon to hear appli (appl) for short. Since the advent of the Internet, countries have come up with different names for this curious character. (This social network has a lot of users. ), Le profil de Sarah est très détaillé. Please, see the index of most used French words at the bottom of … Traitement de texte (m) — Word processing. (I updated my profile. Carole prend beaucoup de selfies. ), Marie change souvent sa photo de profil. The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. You can access this file along with over a hundred other free PDF and MP3 in the French Learning Package. As modern-day internautes (Internet users—the noun can be either masculine or feminine depending on who it refers to), we actively engage with it, going so far as to create it. (I forgot my password. Menu. COVID-19 is “a mild to severe respiratory illness that is caused by a coronavirus,” one that is characterized especially by fever, cough, and shortness of breath and may progress to pneumonia and respiratory failure.The name is an odd sort of acronym, insofar as it is formed from portions of two distinct words (COronaVIrus & Disease) and the latter portion of a date (the 19 from 2019). ), Internet (m) — The Internet. ), Carine a partagé un article intéressant sur Facebook. (Marie changes her profile picture often.). Once you've mastered how to count in French, you'll want to learn the words for basic math operations. (I deleted some files.). download the FluentU app from the iTunes store, Fragile French: Handling the Present Participle with Care, Class Is in Session: The 16 Best Sites for Online French Courses, Where to Download French Learning Videos for Any Language Skill, 15 Incredibly Useful Sites with French Listening Exercises to Quickly Sharpen Your Ears, The 6 Best Websites to Self Study French (All the Way to Fluency). ), Le blog de Michel a beaucoup de lecteurs. ), Combien de mémoire a ton ordinateur ? expiration/maturity/redemption/payment/due date; term, to burst, blow up, explode; to break out; to make noise; to shine, to move away (transitive), remove, estrange, banish, dismiss, (inf adj) - cranky, scatty, hare-brained, eccentric, to charge at or into; to make darker; (inf) - to rush, tear, charge along, Audio Dictionary: French Words Starting With K, L, M and N, Common French Words Beginning With O, P, Q, and R, Tips to Improve Your French Pronunciation, How to Pronounce More Than 2,500 Words in French, The 9 Best Podcasts for Learning French in 2021, How to Pronounce the Letter 'I' in French, Introduction to Pronouncing the French Alphabet, How to Pronounce the Letter "Y" in French, Top French Pronunciation Mistakes and Difficulties. Although definitions may vary, the Web 2.0 generally is characterized by user-generated content and social media. (Courrier refers to a piece of mail delivered by post.) ), Alexandre ne veut pas s’inscrire sur Facebook. In general, the French like to use words related to food and animals (perhaps because French people love food more than anything else and care deeply about pets, too). La société a un nouveau site web. © 2021 Enux Education Limited. These words and expressions are sure to come up in most everyday conversations. Dièse refers to what (American) English speakers know as the pound sign (#). Give your French vocabulary a boost by reviewing words starting with letters D, E and F. Hear the pronunciation of these words and try using them in context. No need to be intimidated, though! J’ai toujours une clé USB sur moi. ), Mon téléphone portable a un écran tactile. French has two words for each of the following: year, day, morning, and evening, and they cause no end of difficulties for non-native speakers. At the beginning of the 21st century, French was an official language of more than 25 countries. Arobase (f, although the gender hasn’t quite been settled yet) — @. Jess Kapadia July 14, 2011. (Michel runs a music blog. Start learning French with these words! 100 French Food/Drink Words and Phrases A cheat sheet for ordering in French. On this page you'll find over 50 French art vocabulary words covering both painting as well as other forms of art. Learn the French words for clothing so that you can dress yourself in French. Let’s take a look, shall we? For example, if you tap on the word “suit,” then this is what appears on your screen: Don’t stop there, though. The lucky thing is that there are only two endings to remember. It uses your viewed videos and mastered language lessons to recommend more useful videos and give you a 100% personalized experience. Learning French becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. (The home page is very simple. ), Je suis Leonardo DiCaprio sur Tweeter. The answer lies in how you look at these temporal markers. Reading blogs and listening to podcasts is a great way to see and hear French technology vocabulary in action. We live in the ère numérique (digital age), so to express opinions about new technology, you’re definitely going to need some tech-related vocab. Why would French medical terminology come in handy, you ask? (The dictionary application makes my life easier. It’s treated like a proper noun, hence its capitalization. Everyone should learn essential French conversational words and phrases before traveling to a French-speaking country. (Michel published an interesting article on his blog. Start learning French with these words! ), J’ai oublié mon mot de passe. The word courriel is an abbreviation of courrier éléctronique (literally: electronic mail). (I’m entering the information into the database. This page continues the list of most common French words along with their English translation. Improve your French vocabulary by hearing how common words starting with the letters D, E and F are pronounced by native speakers. ), Les adolescents passent beaucoup de temps sur les réseaux sociaux. ), Je navigue sur le site à l’aide de la souris. After teaching French and English in South Korea for 7 months as part of a French government program, he created French Together™ to help English speakers learn the 20% of French that truly matters. Selfie is short for self-portrait, which is autoportrait (self-portrait) in non-virtual French. (My email is Frenchy at mail dot com. This is the name for the commercial “at” symbol: @. (Caroline tweets often.). ), Caroline tweete souvent. (I use three programs on a daily basis. Or are you a techie till the end, your heart racing and your palms sweaty when you find yourself without a solid Wi-Fi connection? Marc m’a tagué(e) dans une photo. FluentU brings authentic French videos within reach of any learner. (I left a comment on Michel’s blog. Three is a Magic Number. Where provided, click the links to hear how the word is pronounced in French. If you want to be more specific you can refer to either un disque dur interne (internal hard drive) or un disque dur externe (external hard drive). [] ), J’ai supprimé quelques fichiers. (Computers made in France have AZERTY keyboards.). ([Illegally] downloading movies is forbidden. Here are 31 French words in English that we use all the time. ), In other contexts, the verb saisir can also mean “to grasp,” both literally and figuratively, as in “to understand (a concept or idea).”, Je saisis les informations dans la base de données. ), Les tweets de Rémy sont drôles. ), Ce réseau social a beaucoup d’utilisateurs. (Antoine surfs the Internet during his English class.). This means that even if your grammar game is on point, you’ll need a broad vocabulary to be able to communicate effectively about a wide range of subjects. (On Twitter, discussion topics are organized by hashtags. FluentU lets you learn French from real-world content like music videos, commercials, news broadcasts, cartoons and inspiring talks. - Lawless French Les données sont sur le serveur. Note that unlike in English, French food terms are generally preceded by an article such as le (the) or un (a). (Sarah’s profile is very detailed. Learn French - French Color Vocabulary. (She spends a lot of time on the Internet. Whether you’re shopping for clothes, food, or souvenirs, you can use the following phrases in any French-speaking country to help you find just the right thing. J’ai envoyé un courriel à Charlotte. In the UK especially, it implies the art of seduction. Because the Anglophone world seems to dictate tech-lingo, we say clé USB (USB stick) instead of the “more French” clé BUS. By learning technology vocabulary, you’ll not only come across a fair amount of English loan words, you’ll also come across quintessentially French ones as well. ), Le moteur de recherche a remplacé l’encyclopédie. Chosen from list of 1000 Most Common French Words (Best of 1-500) (72 cards) 2020-11-07 41 vouloir, pouvoir, prendre, and boire (28 cards) 2020-12-09 27 How Will French Medical Terms Help You? ), J’utilise trois logiciels au quotidien. Glossary of French housing and building terms, words and vocabulary, technical vocab related to property buildind and the house generally speaking. ), Antoine surfe sur Internet pendant son cours d’anglais. Are you way more into snail mail than email? La toile (the web) and le net (the ‘Net) are two other French terms for the Internet. Download: Le piratage des films est interdit. (Rémy’s tweets are funny. (I sent an email to Charlotte. (I chose a very simple username. ), Je sauvegarde mon travail toutes les deux heures. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you Personal pronouns are words like he, she, I, and you. According to some, the French term arobase—approved by l’Académie française—is a derivative of a rond bas (a surrounded [letter] “a”). ), La page d’accueil est très simple. Here is a longer list which will help you master French clothing vocabulary. Les ordinateurs fabriqués en France ont des claviers AZERTY. French terms of endearment are more than just mon amour or ma chèrie that you hear in movies. Arobase (f, although the gender hasn’t quite been settled yet) — @. A Quick Background. ), J’ai téléchargé le nouvel album de Christine and the Queens. It’s common for French speakers to refer to un site (a site), tout simplement (quite simply). Time to talk. You’ll notice that many terms are loan words borrowed from the English. 182 Basic F rench Words For Every Beginner Common French Personal Pronouns. It contains the most important and most frequently used French words. In the non-tech world, bureau refers to either a desk or an office. Click any underlined word or phrase to hear it pronounced. They commonly take the place of more specific nouns, such as a person’s name, in conversation and in writing. Why is it that English can get away with one word when French needs two? The Académie française accepts Mél. In Quebec, the term courriel is more popular than it is in Europe. ), J’ai créé un dossier pour chaque matière sur mon ordinateur. If only your 10th grade French teacher had taught you what you really need to know — impressing that special someone at the restaurant where you’re maxing out your credit card. ), La base de données aide la société à trouver les meilleurs clients. as an abbreviation for message éléctronique (electronic message), much like Tél. Computers made in the United States have QWERTY keyboards (QWERTY being the first six letters on the top left letter row of the keyboard), but did you know computers made in France have AZERTY ones? The tech domain, like the business world, is a subculture with its own lingo. (Carine shared an interesting article on Facebook. The following are not quite everyday terms, but good to know for your more vexing meteorological situations: 19. foudre — (f.) lightning L’arbre a été touché par la foudre. Keep me updated! If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn French with real-world videos. Many governments still use these and so this phrase has a double meaning. Here are some suggestions to get you started: Here are some French vocabulary words for computer hardware and some terms that harken back to Web 1.0. How Is the Letter 'A' Pronounced in French? ), Sandrine a bloqué son ex sur Facebook. Sur Twitter, les sujets de discussion sont classés grâce à des mots-dièse. (The database helps the company find the best clients.). Learn French in the fastest, In response to an onslaught of neologisms and anglicisms, l’Académie française has adapted, allowing for the French language to keep up with the times. Improve your French vocabulary by hearing how common words starting with the letters D, E and F are pronounced by native speakers. The building blocks of the French language are grammar and vocabulary. Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes store or Google Play store. ), Michel tient un blog de musique. Some French diminutive words are even considered official dictionary ones! Un mél (an email) is another term for email. Mon disque dur externe a beaucoup de stockage. Weekly French words with Lya - colors), French pronunciation. (I made a folder for each subject on my computer. (The company has a new website. (I am saving the file right away. (Alexandre does not want to sign up for Facebook. The anglicism un e-mail (an email) is often used, but courriel is preferred by l’Académie française. Whew! French couples often call one another Chèri (e).) To supplement your learning about the world-renowned French cuisine, here is a list of vocabulary that will help you breeze through it all. Tap on any word to see a definition, in-context usage examples, audio pronunciation, helpful images and more. (I always have a USB stick with me.). (All of the information is in this file. So instead of saying “at” when you’re telling someone your email address, you say arobase (at). evade, get around; to conjure away; (inf) - to steal, species, kind, type; (inf pej) - some, stupid, petrol/gas, spirit, essence, gist, species of a tree, rapid growth, development, boom; (formal/elegant) flight, to appraise, value, estimate; to (hold in) esteem; to consider, judge, (informal) to stun, stagger, flabbergast, gobsmack, to enrich, fill in, flesh out, extend, beef up, strengthen, absent-mindedness; (fam) - careless mistake, (adj) exact, right, accurate, correct; on time, (adj) - model, exemplary; un exemplaire - copy, to make, produce; fabricate, make up; (inf) to do, to be up to, adj before noun) - first-rate; real; famous, much talked-about, to leaf through, skim; to roll out (pastry, dough), (informal adj) - lousy, rotten, foul; done for, bust; put together, dressed; damned, (informal) - a bunch, tons, loads, masses, to float, drift, hang (in the air), flutter, hover, to stuff, fill; (info) - to put, stick, shove, to mislead, get someone lost, lead astray, (adj) - sensitive to cold; (econ) - overcautious, nervous, to rub (one another), to fight; (slang) - to have sex, (figurative adj) lightning, dazzling, blinding, searing. Hallo, Pooh, you're just in time for a little smackerel of something. (Sarah’s computer has a big screen.). Contraction of en + les, used for university degrees. Whether you love it or hate it, now is the time to update your French vocabulary for life in the 21st century. Neat, right? You will most often see this in its plural form, données. Once you pick a method that fits your fancy (I recommend the memory palace) and you learn these words, your journey through French cyberspace will be smooth sailing. Learn the lingo and you’ll find that your reading and listening comprehension will also improve. The French for “laptop” is ordinateur portable, which translates literally to “carry-able computer.” You’re more likely to hear a person refer to their portable (laptop), which, incidentally, is also the word for cell phone. Like I said earlier, with new technology comes new vocabulary. So can you talk about all of this technology en français? There are loads more where that came from. (I follow Leonardo DiCaprio on Twitter. (Download). Interactive captions will guide you along the way, so you’ll never miss a word. (I backup my work every two hours. ), Je déplace le curseur avec la souris. (The newsletter has 2,000 subscribers.). ), J’ai laissé un commentaire sur le blog de Michel. Context usually clues you in regarding the item in question. Taguer — To tag, as in to identify someone in a picture. (I downloaded Christine and the Queens’ new album. (Teenagers spend a lot of time on social networks.). (Caroline’s picture got a lot of likes. (I did a program update on my computer.). Elle passe beaucoup de temps sur Internet. (I explore the site with help of the mouse.). Here are some French vocabulary words for computer hardware and some terms that harken back to Web 1.0. ), J’ai un compte Facebook. Getting around France however, isn’t always so glamorous. Selfie (m, although the gender hasn’t been entirely settled yet) — Selfie. ), J’ai choisi un nom d’utilisateur très simple. Ahhh, French fashion.There are a zillion specific words to describe French clothes, however lists on the web are usually very limited. Le bulletin éléctronique a 2 000 abonnés. (I have a Facebook account. (adv) - besides, moreover, for that matter, (adj) - weak, frail, sickly, poor; (inf) - stupid, to clear away, remove, tidy up; to prepare (ground), to disconnect, dislodge, dislocate; (driving) to pull out, to overflow, to stick out; (fig) - to be bursting with, to untangle, sort out, teach someone the basics, to release, set off, trigger, launch, work, to muss (one's hair), to take one's hat off, to order, declare, decree, ordain, decide, to despise, look down on, scorn, disdain, spurn, compensation, something to make up for a problem, (fam) - to demote, ire; to lay into, get told off, (fam adj) - lousy, rotten, filthy, disgusting, to taste, sample, savor; (inf) - to suffer, have a rough time, (technical) to cut off power, relieve congestion / a burden; (transportation) to remove ballast, residence, home (old-fashioned, literary), to lay/put/set down, dump, leave; to deposit; to file, register; to testify, to disturb, bother, trouble; to mix/mess up, (literary, archaic adv, used in jest) - once again, once more, to clear (away), to do a disservice to, to harm; (transportation) - to serve, (inf) - to bolt, take off, clear out, skedaddle, to divert, hijack; turn away, avert; embezzle, (inf) - dictionary (short for dictionnaire), device, mechanism; plan (of action, attack...), (acronym) - Départements d'outre-mer, Territoires d'outre-mer, to stand up, raise, erect; to draw or write up, to move apart, to spread (open), to dismiss, to carry out, to make (happen), to accomplish, to pack; (inf) - to thrill; (fam) - to arrest; to seduce, to pile, stack up; (fam) - to have, swindle, to burn incense; to flatter, praise excessively, (adv) - at last, finally; (interj) - well, in a word, to soil, taint, tarnish (fig); riddled, marred (with errors), (theater, cinéma) interval, intermission; (figurative) interruption, interlude, break, to take, drag (a person), to lead, influence; to bring about, lead to; to entail, mean, to maintain, keep, look after, support; (formal) to talk, converse, to feel, experience, suffer, sustain, test. The definite article le (the) is rarely used before the word Internet in French. (I log on to Facebook every day. Benjamin Houy is a native French speaker and tea drinker with a BA degree in Applied Foreign Languages and a passion for languages. If you’re really struggling to memorize vocabulary words, write each word … Nouns. Even if you're well past the age of passing math class, this French vocabulary will come in handy when you're discussing financial transactions, shapes, and … We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. Home. Traveling to France is a grand adventure where you’ll get to explore the local culture, including all the beautiful artwork and delicious cuisine! Basic courtesies Being polite is important anywhere you […] Besides that, you’ll wow native speakers as you wax poetic on Wi-Fi. (Michel’s blog has a lot of readers.). In colloquial spoken French you’ll often hear the shortened ordi. This is the French Core 100 List. Click here to get a copy. These French terms of endearment stand out because they are recognizable even to non-French speakers thanks to movies and the media. In French, the diminutive is semi-similar, the difference is that it could work for almost any word, making it all the more confusing. Browse French words that stars with g and view definitions. (I subscribe to Michel’s blog. The home is the center of French family life, so words identifying the house, furniture, and areas of the home are a part of everyday language for French people. (There are too many files on my desktop.). Simply sign up to the weekly newsletter by clicking the button below! Chèrie (f) or (m) Chèri = My sweetheart or darling— (for someone who you are very close to and love. (The data is on the server. 2 minutes 43 second tutorial. (Sandrine blocked her ex on Facebook. (I use a word processing program to take notes. Literally “inciting agent” in French, this is someone who infiltrates a group and coerces them into doing something illegal. 1000 Most Common French Words. (Marc tagged me in a picture. 50 Common French Phrases to Know for Travel & Everyday Life. Alternatively (and more French-ly), you can say une mention j’aime (literally translates to an “I like” distinction). L’ordinateur de Sarah a un grand écran. (You guessed it!). USB stands for “Universal Serial Bus,” which in French translates to Bus universel en série. Once you’ve got the basics down, you should move on to more domain-specific vocabulary. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to (My cell phone has a touch screen. Use FluentU’s learn mode to actively practice all the vocabulary in any video with vocabulary lists, flashcards, quizzes and fun activities like “fill in the blank.”. Cinema - general words - related words and phrases | Cambridge SMART Vocabulary Cute, right? Agent Provocateur. Easy peasy! Besides making you a cultured, worldly individual who speaks French fluently, I can think of two main reasons, as alluded to above:. J’utilise un logiciel de traitement de texte pour prendre des notes. Des claviers AZERTY this file along with over a hundred other free PDF and MP3 in the 21st.! Needs two autoportrait ( self-portrait ) in non-virtual French m ) — the Internet name... T quite been settled yet ) — ( illegal ) downloading or hacking ’ album! More useful videos and give you a 100 % personalized experience to Know for Travel & Everyday Life is by! Although the gender hasn ’ t been entirely settled yet ) — @ email is Frenchy at dot! 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The weekly newsletter by clicking the button below the end of regular French.... Un grand écran mean “ to record. ”, J ’ ai mis à jour de logiciel sur ordinateur. Vocabulary to gain a new cultural experience when traveling Phrases will be useful no matter what kind of you. Ont des claviers AZERTY ( on Twitter, discussion topics are organized by hashtags track of the... Comprehension will also improve it contains the most important and most frequently used French in. Think of it as a Frenchified version of the most common French Personal are... Serial Bus, ” which in French learn essential French conversational words and a. La souris passent beaucoup de temps sur les réseaux sociaux into doing something illegal a other! A big screen. ). ). ). ). ). ). )..! Property buildind and the media ( Computers made in France have AZERTY keyboards. ) )! And F are pronounced by native speakers les informations sont dans ce fichier is used as abbreviation! 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